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Version: Atlas v3.13

Why Use Monitor

Splunk admins and Users have always been able to create Splunk Alerts to track Splunk data, but with Atlas Monitor, the process has never been more efficient, consistent, and user friendly.

Monitor is Efficient

If Splunk admin Jessica wants to craft alerts for tracking data flows across 5 different indexes for 7 different source types, all with unique thresholds and values, then Jessica may be looking at creating up to 7 unique scheduled searches that will run multiple times a day. This is a quick way to increase drag on your Splunk environment, and Jessica's users may start to suffer from skipped searches, slow dashboard loads, and general bad performance.

With Atlas Monitor, all of these use cases are tracked by one expertly crafted scheduled search. If the monitor scope increases from 7 use cases to 100, then the difference is even more apparently. Without Atlas, tracking 100 data sources can lead to over 20,000 searches executed daily, while with Atlas Monitor, this number will never break 300. With Atlas, Admins can have their visibility, without suffering from the performance hit.

Monitor is Consistent

If you lock 5 Splunk admins in a room and ask them to build an alert to track data ingests, they will leave the room with 8 solutions. Over the history of a Splunk environment, with Admins coming and going, standards evolving, and missions changing, proactive infrastructure created in one year becomes vaporware in the next. This can lead to a once proactive stance giving a false sense of security, or previously working systems becoming out of date as Splunk teams change.

Monitor is a clear solution to this issue. Not only is each Monitor normalized to expect the same results no matter who built it, but its also centralized. This means it is the one stop shop to see the latest information about data ingest flows, and can be quickly modified to capture a changing mission.

Monitor is User Friendly

Due to Monitor's design, admins can more easily track their data regardless of their skill level. What previously took dozens of minutes to design, create, and test now takes seconds with Atlas's clear Monitor automation. Furthermore, the outcome of these alerts have never been more readable. Instead of just residing on someone's email inbox, or a home made dashboard, the result of these monitors are automatically captured and presented in a view that informs not just admins, but all users.

With Atlas Monitor, Splunk admins can more effectively use their time with automation, and Splunk users and Owners can reap the benefits of clear and impactful reporting.